PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 | 解答一覧

No. 問題集 詳細No. 内容 操作
8801 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Zookeeper::getRecvTimeout 詳細

1. Return the timeout for this session

8802 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Zookeeper::getState 詳細

1. Get the state of the zookeeper connection

8803 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Zookeeper::isRecoverable 詳細

1. Checks if the current zookeeper connection state can be recovered

8804 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Zookeeper::set 詳細

1. Sets the data associated with a node

8805 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Zookeeper::setAcl 詳細

1. Sets the acl associated with a node synchronously


8806 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Zookeeper::setDebugLevel 詳細

1. Sets the debugging level for the library

8807 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Zookeeper::setDeterministicConnOrder 詳細

1. Enable/disable quorum endpoint order randomization

8808 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Zookeeper::setLogStream 詳細

1. Sets the stream to be used by the library for logging

8809 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Zookeeper::setWatcher 詳細

1. Set a watcher function

8810 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Zookeeper::__construct 詳細

1. Create a handle to used communicate with zookeeper


8811 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 ZookeeperConfig::add 詳細

1. Add servers to the ensemble

8812 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 ZookeeperConfig::get 詳細

1. Gets the last committed configuration of the ZooKeeper cluster as it is known to the server to which the client is connected

8813 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 ZookeeperConfig::remove 詳細

1. Remove servers from the ensemble

8814 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 ZookeeperConfig::set 詳細

1. Change ZK cluster ensemble membership and roles of ensemble peers

8815 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 zookeeper_dispatch 詳細

1. Calls callbacks for pending operations


8816 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 __autoload 詳細

1. 未定義のクラスのロードを試みる

8817 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 __halt_compiler 詳細

1. コンパイラの実行を中止する


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