PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 | 解答一覧

No. 問題集 詳細No. 内容 操作
4076 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::bsonSerialize 詳細

1. Returns an object for BSON serialization

4077 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::getHedge 詳細

1. Returns the ReadPreference's "hedge" option

4078 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::getMaxStalenessSeconds 詳細

1. Returns the ReadPreference's "maxStalenessSeconds" option

4079 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::getMode 詳細

1. Returns the ReadPreference's "mode" option

4080 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::getModeString 詳細

1. Returns the ReadPreference's "mode" option as a string


4081 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::getTagSets 詳細

1. Returns the ReadPreference's "tagSets" option

4082 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::serialize 詳細

1. Serialize a ReadPreference

4083 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::unserialize 詳細

1. Unserialize a ReadPreference

4084 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::__construct 詳細

1. Create a new ReadPreference

4085 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\Server::executeBulkWrite 詳細

1. Execute one or more write operations on this server


4086 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\Server::executeCommand 詳細

1. Execute a database command on this server

4087 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\Server::executeQuery 詳細

1. Execute a database query on this server

4088 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\Server::executeReadCommand 詳細

1. Execute a database command that reads on this server

4089 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\Server::executeReadWriteCommand 詳細

1. Execute a database command that reads and writes on this server

4090 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\Server::executeWriteCommand 詳細

1. Execute a database command that writes on this server


4091 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\Server::getHost 詳細

1. Returns the hostname of this server

4092 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\Server::getInfo 詳細

1. Returns an array of information describing this server

4093 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\Server::getLatency 詳細

1. Returns the latency of this server in milliseconds

4094 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\Server::getPort 詳細

1. Returns the port on which this server is listening

4095 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\Server::getServerDescription 詳細

1. Returns a ServerDescription for this server


4096 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\Server::getTags 詳細

1. Returns an array of tags describing this server in a replica set

4097 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\Server::getType 詳細

1. Returns an integer denoting the type of this server

4098 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\Server::isArbiter 詳細

1. Checks if this server is an arbiter member of a replica set

4099 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\Server::isHidden 詳細

1. Checks if this server is a hidden member of a replica set

4100 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 MongoDB\Driver\Server::isPassive 詳細

1. Checks if this server is a passive member of a replica set



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