PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 | 解答一覧

No. 問題集 詳細No. 内容 操作
1301 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBuffer::unfreeze 詳細

1. Re-enable calls that modify an event buffer

1302 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBuffer::unlock 詳細

1. Releases lock acquired by EventBuffer::lock

1303 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBuffer::write 詳細

1. Write contents of the buffer to a file or socket

1304 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBuffer::__construct 詳細

1. Constructs EventBuffer object

1305 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::close 詳細

1. Closes file descriptor associated with the current buffer event


1306 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::connect 詳細

1. Connect buffer event's file descriptor to given address or UNIX socket

1307 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::connectHost 詳細

1. Connects to a hostname with optionally asyncronous DNS resolving

1308 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::createPair 詳細

1. Creates two buffer events connected to each other

1309 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::disable 詳細

1. Disable events read

1310 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::enable 詳細

1. Enable events read


1311 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::free 詳細

1. Free a buffer event

1312 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::getDnsErrorString 詳細

1. Returns string describing the last failed DNS lookup attempt

1313 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::getEnabled 詳細

1. Returns bitmask of events currently enabled on the buffer event

1314 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::getInput 詳細

1. Returns underlying input buffer associated with current buffer event

1315 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::getOutput 詳細

1. Returns underlying output buffer associated with current buffer event


1316 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::read 詳細

1. Read buffer's data

1317 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::readBuffer 詳細

1. Drains the entire contents of the input buffer and places them into buf

1318 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::setCallbacks 詳細

1. Assigns read

1319 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::setPriority 詳細

1. Assign a priority to a bufferevent

1320 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::setTimeouts 詳細

1. Set the read and write timeout for a buffer event


1321 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::setWatermark 詳細

1. Adjusts read and/or write watermarks

1322 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::sslError 詳細

1. Returns most recent OpenSSL error reported on the buffer event

1323 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::sslFilter 詳細

1. Create a new SSL buffer event to send its data over another buffer event

1324 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::sslGetCipherInfo 詳細

1. Returns a textual description of the cipher

1325 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 EventBufferEvent::sslGetCipherName 詳細

1. Returns the current cipher name of the SSL connection



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