PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 | 解答一覧

No. 問題集 詳細No. 内容 操作
7376 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Process::daemon 詳細

1. Change the process to be a daemon process.

7377 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Process::exec 詳細

1. Execute system commands.

7378 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Process::exit 詳細

1. Stop the child processes.

7379 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Process::freeQueue 詳細

1. Destroy the message queue created by swoole_process::useQueue.

7380 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Process::kill 詳細

1. Send signal to the child process.


7381 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Process::name 詳細

1. Set name of the process.

7382 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Process::pop 詳細

1. Read and pop data from the message queue.

7383 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Process::push 詳細

1. Write and push data into the message queue.

7384 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Process::read 詳細

1. Read data sending to the process.

7385 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Process::signal 詳細

1. Send signal to the child processes.


7386 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Process::start 詳細

1. Start the process.

7387 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Process::statQueue 詳細

1. Get the stats of the message queue used as the communication method between processes.

7388 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Process::useQueue 詳細

1. Create a message queue as the communication method between the parent process and child processes.

7389 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Process::wait 詳細

1. Wait for the events of child processes.

7390 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Process::write 詳細

1. Write data into the pipe and communicate with the parent process or child processes.


7391 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Process::__construct 詳細

1. Construct a process.

7392 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Process::__destruct 詳細

1. Destory the process.

7393 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Redis\Server::format 詳細

1. Description

7394 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Redis\Server::setHandler 詳細

1. Description

7395 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Redis\Server::start 詳細

1. Description


7396 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Serialize::pack 詳細

1. Serialize the data.

7397 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Serialize::unpack 詳細

1. Unserialize the data.

7398 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Server::addlistener 詳細

1. Add a new listener to the server.

7399 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Server::addProcess 詳細

1. Add a user defined swoole_process to the server.

7400 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Server::after 詳細

1. Trigger a callback function after a period of time.



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