PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 | 解答一覧

No. 問題集 詳細No. 内容 操作
7426 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Server::shutdown 詳細

1. Shutdown the master server process

7427 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Server::start 詳細

1. Start the Swoole server.

7428 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Server::stats 詳細

1. Get the stats of the Swoole server.

7429 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Server::stop 詳細

1. Stop the Swoole server.

7430 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Server::task 詳細

1. Send data to the task worker processes.


7431 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Server::taskwait 詳細

1. Send data to the task worker processes in blocking way.

7432 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Server::taskWaitMulti 詳細

1. Execute multiple tasks concurrently.

7433 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Server::tick 詳細

1. Repeats a given function at every given time-interval.

7434 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Server::__construct 詳細

1. Construct a Swoole server.

7435 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Server\Port::on 詳細

1. Register callback functions by event.


7436 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Server\Port::set 詳細

1. Set protocol of the server port.

7437 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Server\Port::__construct 詳細

1. Construct a server port

7438 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Server\Port::__destruct 詳細

1. Destory server port

7439 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Table::column 詳細

1. Set the data type and size of the columns.

7440 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Table::count 詳細

1. Count the rows in the table


7441 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Table::create 詳細

1. Create the swoole memory table.

7442 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Table::current 詳細

1. Get the current row.

7443 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Table::decr 詳細

1. Decrement the value in the Swoole table by $row_key and $column_key.

7444 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Table::del 詳細

1. Delete a row in the Swoole table by $row_key.

7445 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Table::destroy 詳細

1. Destroy the Swoole table.


7446 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Table::exist 詳細

1. Check if a row is existed by $row_key.

7447 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Table::get 詳細

1. Get the value in the Swoole table by $row_key and $column_key.

7448 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Table::incr 詳細

1. Increment the value by $row_key and $column_key.

7449 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Table::key 詳細

1. Get the key of current row.

7450 PHPの関数・メソッドの単語集 Swoole\Table::next 詳細

1. Iterator the next row.



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